I'm Jeff Clough, a weird nerd living in New Hampshire. This is my personal web site. Any thoughts, opinions, or views expressed here are mine alone, and not representative of any other individuals, organizations, or projects I may be affiliated with.
Among my interests are crafts, religion, history, magic (ceremony), magic (illusion), genealogy, philosophy, free and open source software, electronics, and gaming. That's a long list, because I wanted you to know what you'll be getting yourself into here.
I use this site to collect various bits of writing or other media that I create and wish to preserve. The content here is theoretically more substantive and less ephemeral than what I post over on Mastodon.
I have a blog which may be of interest. Right now, it's a just a single file with entries in reverse-chronological order, because I hate blogging "platforms."
Sometimes I write long things which are vaguely coherent. I'd call them "essays," but they're usually rants. Either way, they're too unweildy to put in the blog, so I've broken them out into their own place.
Because I do it old school, I have a page of links to other sites I think you should visit.
I've also posted my contact information if you want to chat.
I created this site by hand-hacking HTML like we did in the previous century.
Nearly all modern web frameworks and content management systems come with security and privacy implications. In 2024, I decided I was no longer willing to compromise on either security or privacy for the sake of running a small, personal website to share my writing and projects.